One of the biggest challenges when coping with ADHD as an adult is finding resources to educate yourself. In this article, I’ll look at ADHD Australia, one of the primary resources available for those who are managing ADHD as an adult.
ADHD Australia is a national, independent, non-profit organisation committed to removing barriers to well-being for those people affected by ADHD (Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder). Their mission is “to be a voice for positive change for people living with ADHD”. Through support groups, research and The Voice Newsletter, they share the latest information and resources for adults and families coping with ADHD.
Their vision for the future is to build “a community that fully supports, understands and accommodates ADHD”. By bringing the topic to light, they are making it easier for adults to obtain an accurate diagnosis of ADHD, and find treatment when necessary.
ADHD Australia includes a wealth of information on their site with resources providing a cleared definition of ADHD, its causes, and common behaviors of ADHD in children, adolescents and adults. When it comes to understanding and spotting the symptoms of ADHD in adults they have one of the most complete and reliable lists.
There is a cascade effect when adult ADHD is left untreated. As they point out:
When ADHD is moderate to severe and left untreated, an adult can experience a wide range of associated difficulties. Ideally, early intervention and adequate treatment will prevent or reduce many of these problems. If ADHD is left diagnosed until later in life, many of these difficulties will already be well established. One of the treatment goals would be to reduce these secondary impairments.
Click here to see the complete list of symptoms of adult ADHD:
Thanks to the efforts of ADHD Australia, more children and adults with ADHD will receive proper care so they can lead more productive and fulfilling lives.
If you’re interested in learning more about adult ADHD and how it can impact your performance at work, or the success of your organization, please feel free to drop me a line.
You should always check with a medical professional when considering your treatment options.

Dr Mahendra Perera is a General Psychiatrist who treats adult patients in Melbourne, Australia. Dr Perera has specific interests in ADHD, Mood Disorders and Addiction. In addition working with his patients, he has also contributed to research across a number of specialties and helped many young doctors make their way in the medical field. Learn more about Dr Perera.
Please note: Dr Perera has no financial arrangement with any of the providers listed on the site. These resources are provided as a courtesy to patients, and are not intended as a recommendation or endorsement.