Title: All You Need is Less
Author: Vicki Vrint
Genre: Productivity
Author’s Website: Summersdale (Book Publisher’s Page on Vicki Vrint)
Available at: Amazon
Dr Perera’s Rating:
While organisation proves to be elusive for many people, Vicki Vrint starts from the simple premise that having less stuff makes it easy to stay organised in her book, All You Need is Less: Minimalist Living for Maximum Happiness.
The book itself is small, following the edict on its cover. Inside, you’ll find great set of tips and ideas for not only organising things, but your thoughts as well. The book covers a range of topics including how to minimise clutter, stress less, reduce screen time, shop sustainably and make the most of ‘me’ time.
Vrint’s book can be especially useful for those with ADHD who are seeking a simple and practical guide to help eliminate distractions with a secondary benefit of having a cleaner home.

Dr Mahendra Perera is a General Psychiatrist who treats adult patients in Melbourne, Australia. Dr Perera has specific interests in ADHD, Mood Disorders and Addiction. In addition working with his patients, he has also contributed to research across a number of specialties and helped many young doctors make their way in the medical field. Learn more about Dr Perera.
Please note: Dr Perera has no financial arrangement with any of the providers listed on the site. These resources are provided as a courtesy to patients, and are not intended as a recommendation or endorsement.