ADHD Resources
ADHD Resources
ADHD is a condition that affects people of all ages and all backgrounds. Dr Perera has gathered this comprehensive set of ADHD Resources in Australia to help those with ADHD, their loved ones, co-workers and friends better understand and cope with the condition.
Dr Perera has no financial arrangement with any of the providers listed below. These resources are provided as a courtesy to patients, and are not intended as a recommendation, endorsement or replacement for treatment.
Please click on a link below to read more on each resource.
ADHD Information Guidance and Tips
General tips and guidance for those with ADHD, their loved ones, co-workers and friends.

ADHD Coaches
ADHD coaches provide services to help people with ADHD manage day to day life. Typically, these are not psychiatrists or medical professionals. Dr Perera has no financial arrangement with any of the coaches listed here. These resources are provided as a courtesy to patients, and are not intended as a recommendation or endorsement.

Adult ADHD Resources
Resources for adults with ADHD in Australia, including publications, groups and associations.

ADHD Book Reviews
Book reviews of books about ADHD and books which are helpful for those with ADHD.

Professional ADHD Resources
Resources for professionals who provide treatment and services for those with ADHD in Australia.